
“ An intentional effort to guide and teach another with compassion and patience…


“My mom has given me support in all that I’ve done and continues to challenge me to better myself as a teacher, artist, and son”.

— Jose F. Arreola


“Lisa helped me channel my energy into what really matters, both inside and outside of academia.”

— Jaime Camargo


“Academia can be lonely, taxing, and traumatic for women of color who are also madres (mothers). Lisa has been a true inspiration and guide, offering her expertise in validating and motivational ways. Agradacida (thankful) for her femtorship!”

— Vivian E. Presiado, Ph.D.


“When I feel the most lost and feel there is no hope, my mom Lisa is always there to comfort and guide me. She helps me realize my goals and reassures me of my capability. She sees the strength in me even when I don’t see it within myself.

— Savannah Arreola


“Meeting Lisa Perez during the summer before my first semester of doctoral studies at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign empowered me to demand visibility as a working-class Chicana at a PWI (predominantly white institution). From the start of my Ph.D. journey, Lisa taught me by example how to have courage to theorize from my lived-experienced by weaving the work of Black Indigenous and Chicana intellectuals — including those not typically seen by the academe — as central to liberatory practices that conceive of and actualize new ways of living otherwise and in refusal of systems of racial capitalist exploitation, settler colonial extraction, and white supremacy that have plagued human societies globally. Through Lisa’s mentoring, I have learned to realize practices of radical care and sisterhood that fuel and sustain this commitment to creating life free of domination and filled with dignity.

— Lettycia Terrones